

The Hebei University of Technology delegation led by Party Secretary Li Qiang and President Han Xu visited Jiheng Pharmaceutical

Hits:11452021-07-16 11:42:59 

新聞?wù)?The Hebei University of Technology delegation led by Party Secretary Li Qiang and President Han Xu visited Jiheng Pharmaceutical

On the afternoon of August 4, a delegation of Hebei University of Technology led by Party Secretary Li Qiang of Hebei University of Technology and President Han Xu visited Jiheng Pharmaceutical, accompanied by leaders of the city and district Wu Bo and others. Ma Shengyi, vice president of production of the pharmaceutical company, introduced to the delegation in detail the company’s production development, scientific and technological innovation and the basic situation of the graduates of Hebei University of Technology working in the enterprise. The concept of green pharmaceutical companies is affirmed.


Previous:Chairman Han of the group labor union went to the front line of Jiheng Pharmaceutical to

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